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Woolston Eyes News

Black Necked Grebe update 29th June 2024

Black-necked Grebe are generally present on the Reserve for five months from their arrival early to mid-March. They pair-up quickly and the first broods are visible around mid-May. The majority of adults and the earlier, larger, juveniles disperse in July with smaller juveniles present into August.

29th Jun 2024 - 9 broods counted today of this years breeding season

22nd Jun 2024 - 6 broods counted today on No.3 bed

20th Jun 2024 - 4 broods of Black-necked Grebe on No.3 bed with total of 10 or 11 young

15th Jun 2024 - 3 broods of Black-necked Grebe on No.3 bed, two broods of 3 and one of at least 2

11th Jun 2024 - Our first reported brood of Black-necked Grebe was a pair with 3 very small young on No.3 bed.

30th Apr 2024 - 28 Adult Black-necked Grebe counted.

13th Apr 2024 - 26 Black-necked Grebe counted on the Reserve.

06th Apr 2024 - 19+ Black-necked Grebe on No.4 bed, there has been few sightings on No.3 bed for a few days,

30th Mar 2024 - 12 Black-necked Grebe on No.4 bed and 5 on No.3 bed.

24th Mar 2024 - Black-necked Grebe seem to be spending much of their time on No.4 bed with 12 counted yesterday.

19th Mar 2024 - 15 Black-necked Grebe on No.4 bed

11th Mar 2024 - 6 Black-necked Grebe on the Reserve, 3 on No.3 and 3 on No.4 bed

08th Mar 2024 - 2 Black-necked Grebe on No.3 bed this afternoon.

06th Mar 2024 - 3 Black-necked Grebe on No.4 bed.

04th Mar 2024 - 2 Black-necked Grebe on No.4 bed, look different from the 2 on No.3 bed on 29th Feb.

29th Feb 2024 - 2 Black-necked Grebe on No.3 bed.

19th Feb 2024 – Our first Black-necked Grebe of the year has been reported from No.3 bed at 10:44am